Tuesday, September 1, 2009

COMPLETE FAIL in live cash mtt's and why? Great online success but be aware you will not convert online success into live results unless range is considered!

So you begin cashing in a higher number of events and soon taste that winning feeling! Winning a MTT tourney online with often huge fields, for a massive %ROI, regardless of the buy in, is up there with the best Orgasm/BJ/Drug High/Exercise Adrenalin Rush of Endorphins that life delivers too infrequently IMO. As well as the jump in bankroll consistent results directly leads to respect from your competitors.

Simple, if your stats are good enough to scare your opponents you have full scope to develop a strategy that crushes your opponent’s capability to play back at you. Especially during my heaters where my stats on OPR look way better than lifetime, there will be 2 or 3 players at every table scared to play out of position to you. 3-4 orbits in and you can small-ball these opponents pokervt.com, Negrano style.

Another thing I never understand when a player at your table comments about your good stats? It just is a license to acquire chips. If they see a +40% ROI with high volume they simply shut down and play a tight passive range. OK enough rambling and back to the thread.

So you feel on top of the world, confident enough to crush those Muppets at the local casino with ZERO experience compared to your hands played online ECT!

I traveled down to Crown Casino Melbourne Australia and played the Aussie Millions 2009 series. This was far from Muppets at the local casino with sick fields in every discipline and the smallest buy in was $1100. I left two weeks later just about with NO live cash’s and only success was in satellite events. I was lucky to brake even thanks to several online victories whilst running like god online playing with my rumNrasin account on David Saabs IP address of course. Man I run so good in that house it’s insane!

Even two live series later, with some very weak fields, I have been a disaster for any backers and have spent hours analyzing cause for my appalling results. I cannot stress how important it is to relax range especially in middle and late position carefully as live H/Hr is like dying slowly or watching Arsenal during the 90's.

I have found my range was far too tight considering the above and I just seemed to run bad in a few spots and then be forced to play the retarded nit short stack looking for spots to double up in…One spot I remember in this series was at Main Event JHDS2 where I ran KK into Joe Hachem’s AA of course after both flopping a set.
Soon enough your confidence is on the floor and your goals are further away for the experience! Also be wary of the ability to completely lag it up throwing caution to the wind in spots you would NEVER even consider online. This is suicide for a roll and you should just stop playing if this continues.

Without enough experience live I would be extra cautious with bankroll management of say just 1.5% max. I was lucky to be staked in these events as well as returning scores with % swapped with friends cashing well. I am now working on a better strategy for my next series accommodating comforts I am used to online, with ranges better able to compete.

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